
In loving memory of Matariki


" A thing of beauty is a joy forever,
Its loveliness increases and
It will never pass into nothingness."

Brother, you use these words to affirm your devotion for girls. And, with the same words I would like to express the love that you let in our hearts. We keep your projects going on, so you will be eternal.





Dear Boobie,

It hurts to know that I'll never see your smile again, hear your voice or your laugh again.

Yeah, I'm gonna miss those little things so bad.

But one day you told me that : « One morning you'll wake up and you'll know it won't hurt anymore and that day you'll also know that you'll be happy again »





You've left a gap in all our lives.
Think now it's too early to understand what happened.. But it's life..
We gonna miss you, you know that? But we know you're fine now.
I hope you'll find some beautiful mermaids maybe some unicorns. 
It will hurt today and tomorrow too maybe..
But we know one day we'll see you again ! In a better world, in another life, inanother place.

See you soon my lovely friend. 





To Matariki


Hey bro we are very sad whithout you, your smile and your hapiness .We weren't the best friend of the world, just friend ,but this is the most important thing, we are friend and there is no difference for me.

The first thing i will do is to buy two Savages tee-shirts ,a blue one and a white one ,your colors ,to help your business start. It was expected to be your future .





My friend

A day without you , is so hard

The people smile for you

Alone in your world , please protect your family






Matariki was a simple friend in my class

He's gone like a hero , we are so sad.

Ride in peace brother.








We are hurt,

On May 5th 2016,

My friend, you were gone,

For a better world.

You will still be in my heart and my mind.

When the darkness comes,

You will be our star.

When the despair comes,

You will be our strength.

When the sun goes down,

All our thougts will go to you.

I just want to say I love you,

Love is more powerful than death.

Forever and ever in my heart,

God will take care of you.





For Matariki



How many brothers fell victim to the sea ? Rest in peace Matariki, there's a heaven for us.

I will be a liar if I told you that I never thought of death.

I have a paper and a pen, so I can write about our memories. Remember all the laughs you gave us. We miss you. But even if you are far away, I ain't worry. I know God is with you.


Eyes blurred when it was time to say goodbye at the cemetery. World is hell and life without you is good for nobody.

Memories will never fade because I've got your name in my mind forever. You will live in us until our dying days. I have a lump in my throat, it's time to say goodbye to another brother. I try to stay strong.


And now that you are gone, pain and fear invade our hearts. I pray Lord for you and I hope that he hears me because now I'm thinking :

« I don't want to die all alone »









My friend, MATA I miss you

Always , I will think about your smile

Today , I am very sad because you aren't next to me

Angel to our class , to the 1 ES 2


Rich in quality and very exceptional

I bothered you a lot but you are in my HEART

Kindness of yours , impressed me Forever

I am suffering because you left but I tell my self you are in Paradise next to GOD.



<3 BRUNE <3




Now, you are gone

You are not here with us,

Your absence creates a lifeless in class.

But God decided to take you by his side.

It's not a problem if you are far, because, I know that you will be an Angel .

You will be watching over us

I will never forget you,

We will miss you,

See you again my Friend.





He was like a brother for me , we shared every moments , every projects , every ambitions , everything . He was respectful , kind , full of hope , lively .I've never never met someone like him , we were like twins , we had the same goal , went to parties , flirted with the same girls , we done so many things together , we create a trademark "savages" etc ...

But now he is gone , and i don't relly know what to say , just i miss him a lot and we keep a good image of him , and so many good memories .

If i can say one think it just : today was a long day without you my friend and i'll tell you all about the story when i see you again





I remenber your Laughter and I spent with you many good moments.

Matariki I will never forget you


 Tauhere your Love





I don't have the words to describe my suffering.

Your missing makes me sad

You are more than a friends, you are my brother

We love you Matariki.






Dear friend


I was on the road when a kid told me a paddleboard is lost at sea. I didn't know it was you until i went home .

It's not the same feeling when you know who is the victim and you don't know who it is.

We miss you but I know we'll meet again








You were a good classmate

You were a great pair

You were a good friend and specially a beautiful flirty.

Now, you are gone quickly and i feel a big void. You are anchored inside my mind and my heart, you were already so but i realized it too late. For this my heart is hardened and has become dark when i think of you.

I miss your presence, your kindness, your jokes, your modesty, your humility, your strength, your interest for others, your scent, your laughter, your voice when you sing and i remember your last song that was Manon by Christophe Maé. I will always remember these happy moments spent with you Boy. You had many things to do like tell me the result of the seven series of the vampire diaries or discover our TPE mark or have our BAC together Man.

For everything, you will be an exemple for us, your optimism, your love, your folly and your joy that's how i can describe to you, and what i remember of you.

Rest in peace beautiful boy. I LOVE YOU man. 

Coca-Cola teen surf session 4


Eliot Napias TS2, 1er en junior; Vahine Fierro 1eES2 et Naumi Eychenne, 2e et 3e ondine, Stelio Bobet 2E, 2e cadet, bravo aux élèves de la section surf espoir.